
below is a short summary of my employment and education; you can see my complete cv by clicking the pdf icon on the right.

General Information

Full Name Philip Taranto
Year & Place of Birth 1993, Melbourne, Australia
Languages English (native), German (intermediate), Italian (intermediate), Japanese (basic)



  • 2022—2019
    Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (PhD Equivalent)
    University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
    • Quantum Information Processing: Thermodynamics, Complexity, and Multi-Time Phenomena
    • Supervised by: Assoc. Prof. Marcus Huber
    • Examined by: Prof. Nicolas Brunner & Prof. John Goold
  • 2019—2017
    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
    • Memory Effects in Quantum Processes
    • Supervised by: Dr. Kavan Modi & Dr. Felix A. Pollock
    • Examined by: Prof. G. Massimo Palma & Dr. Fabio Costa
  • 2015—2012
    Bachelor (Honours)
    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
    • Landauer's Principle in Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics
    • Supervised by: Dr. Kavan Modi & Dr. Felix A. Pollock
    • Examined by: Prof. Peter Skands & Dr. Meera Parish